So Evil
by CA

Map of Sound

Sound Map // //


Sound Map // //


This originally started as a test post, when I was trying to figure out a slick way to embed audio files in a Blogger post, with nice inline play controls. Sound Manager 2 is a great Flash/HTML5 hybrid audio player that just "does the right thing" depending on the visitor's browser, and offers lots of widgets for hosting audio files, so I settled on this as my player. I realized that others were also trying to figure out how to do this, so I'm cleaning up this post and leaving it up as a tutorial.

I'm going to show demos of the four "widgets" currently available as part of Sound Manager 2: the "360 UI", the "inline player", the "page player", and the "button player". The javascript and css files are hosted in a directory at my own Web page, and I'm pointing specifically to the "cross-domain" version of the swf file. You're free to use the URLs that I use in my demo, i.e. to link to the directory where I host the javascript, css, and swf files, but don't sue me if someday I move them. There's nothing magic about where I'm hosting them. Note that I have slightly customized the css for the individual players, i.e. the directory is not *exactly* just an unzipping of Sound Manager 2. But I haven't done anything special to make it work, other than unzipping the "cross-domain" version of the swf file.

So, game on, here are the four widgets:

The 360 player

The inline player

The page player

The button player

[mp3] Knockin' on Heaven's Door

I'm also linking off to a text file that contains exactly the content of my blogger editor view, and an html file that does all of this in a standalone test page. Happy playing!

TouchDesigner + Processing + ManyCam

Noise filter processing image.

Resolume Arena + ManyCam + Processing + iDisplay

Video interface with 2 monitors with mapping in Resolume.

TouchOSC + Processing

OSC communication to control processing with acelerometer.





Just a Cube in Processing.

Syphon + Processing

Syphon es una Tecnología Open Source para MAC OSX la cual nos permite intercambiarfotogramas de video a gran velocidad o imágenes fijas entre aplicaciones a tiempo real.Esto nos permite aprovechar el poder expresivo de diferentes herramientas ( software) para editar, mezclar etc, y enviar el contenido a otra aplicación para hacer otra tarea.Un ejemplo es poder realizar una edición de Vj en directo con Modul8 y enviar la mezclade la composición a MAdmapper. cada uno realiza una tarea distinta.

Libreria Syphon-Processing

void setup() {
  size(400,400, P3D);
  server = new SyphonServer(this, "Processing Frame Server");


void draw() {


public void setup() {
  size(480, 340, P3D);
  client = new SyphonClient(this, "Simple Server");


void draw() {
  if (client.available()) {
    canvas = client.getGraphics(pg);



Real time Graphic Interchange Format of the screen capture to a color sort graphics. /Never Win pt.1.

Screen Capturer Peasycam

Real time GIF capture with ScreenCapturer and peasycam library.